Last update: 12/23/21

Worldwide data - coronavirus COVID-19






Ratio of confirmed cases of COVID19 to country's population (%)
Ratio of deaths related to COVID19 to country's population (%)
Mortality rate: Deaths/Confirmed cases (%)

Timeline data worldwide

Worldbank statistical data

  • Country Confirmed Deaths Mortality Population Beds Physicians Nurses Above 65 F. abv 80 M. abv 80 Smoking Diabetes


  • "Confirmed" - confirmed cases of COVID19
  • "Deaths" - number of deaths due to COVID19
  • "Beds" - number of hospital beds per capita
  • "Physicians" - number of physicians per capita
  • "Nurses" - number of nurses per capita
  • "Mortality" - ratio of deaths due to COVID19 to number of confirmed cases %%
  • "Above 65" - percent population older than 65
  • "F. abv 80" - percent of female population older than 80
  • "M. abv 80" - percent of male population older than 80
  • "Smoking" - percent of smoking population older than 15
  • "Diabetes" - percent of population diabetes

USA statistical data

  • State / Province Confirmed Deaths Recovered Incident rate Tested Hospitalized Mortality rate Testing rate Hospitalization rate


  • Confirmed cases include presumptive positive cases.
  • Recovered cases outside China are estimates based on local media reports, and may be substantially lower than the true number.
  • Incidence Rate = confirmed cases per 100,000 persons.
  • Case-Fatality Ratio (%) = Number recorded deaths / Number confirmed cases.
  • US Testing Rate = total tested per 100,000 persons.
  • US Hospitalization Rate (%) = Total number hospitalized / Number confirmed cases.

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This is Vizual Dashboard for the Coronavirus COVID-19 (former Novel Corona Virus nCoV-2019). It is mostly based on the data provided by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE). The data is being downloaded on request in real-time from the spreadsheets they share publicly via GitHub repository.
The dashboard maps cases at the province level in China, Australia and Canada, city level in the US, and at the country level otherwise.
Per country data related to COVID-19 cases can be analyzed against numbers reflecting national health systems, and population's age groups.
More detailed information provided by JHU for the USA, including testing and hospitalization rates.
Updates happen daily around 23:59 (UTC).

Data Sources JHU CCSE used:

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